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Video Jumpstarts Email Marketing

November 30, 2011

It’s believed Albert Einstein said,”Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That certainly applies to email marketing. If you are unhappy with the way your emails are performing — if they are generating few opens, leads, or responses to your call to action, you need to do something differently, and that “something” could be video.

5 ways videos can improve your email marketing:

  1. Increase click-throughs: Emails with a video link see 2-3 times more click-throughs than those without. This metric is more important to watch than open rates because it measures your reader’s active engagement with your content.
  2. Increase engagement and response rates: DoubleClick by Google studies how different medias impact behavior, and it’s learned that video outperforms static graphics and Flash in boosting brand awareness and purchase decisions.
  3. Overcome short attention spans: Videos convey information more quickly and efficiently than a large block of copy.  This is a good thing, because viewers even begin to lose interest in video after 60 seconds. The lesson, be sure your main message and call to action are stated early and often.
  4. Make a connection: Take a relationship-oriented business like real estate and translate that into a virtual marketing campaign through video! Show them the person behind the email and build your credibility with them by providing relevant information to them.
  5. Be more enjoyable than text: Let’s be honest… we like to be entertained.  A video, if it contains worthwhile content, will always be more interesting than words on a screen.

Mortgage Minute Video

We’re so convinced that video makes a connection and is both informative and entertaining that we’re launching a new video blog by Shelter Mortgage President Jill Belconis, and we are inviting you to watch the latest video today!  Just click play on the post below.

Sources: Forrester Research, Google Double Click,

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